Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Her Interactive

Her Interactive 'Storm Chaser Pete'

Meet Pete! He's the intern for the Canute Storm Chaser team and he will be blogging his experiences every day starting today through June 30! Read his blog at for the latest updates.

Pete doesn't have a lot of experience chasing storms, but he's dreamed about this exciting adventure since was a kid. Securing a summer internship as a storm chaser is definitely the opportunity of a lifetime! Although Pete's enthusiastic about chasing storms, there's a lot of behind the scenes work he has to do before he's ready for the real thing. From getting coffee for the team in the morning to driving the Doppler truck, Pete has quite few adventures and misadventures along the way. Make sure you check the Storm Chaser Pete blog every day for a new post!

For more information about the Canute Storm Chasers, check out!

-From the HerInteractive Official Blog.

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